Not a very creative title, I know. But late on a Father's Day night, I'm keeping things simple.
I want you to know how my dad spent his Father's Day. By knowing that, you'll understand a lot about the unbelievable servant's heart he has. My whole life I have watched my dad do for others quietly, selflessly, tirelessly. He models so well the servant's heart of Christ. Even now, at 79 years old, he has not stopped giving of himself.
Today is Father's Day. On a day when every Hallmark card and every advertisement you see screams for dads to take it easy, put their feet up, have a cold one, live it up, do nothing, do something for themselves, whatever it takes to make them happy, let me tell you what MY dad did.
My parents recently gave me a riding lawn mower. I haven't had a chance to mow yet, but now that I'm not working on Sundays, I'm ready to start. I don't remember ever using a riding mower before, so I wasn't even sure how to start it.
Today after church, my dad (and mom, but I should've told you how wonderful she is on Mother's Day) came to my house, dressed and ready for yard work. Dad patiently showed me how to start and use the lawn mower, and while I made my feeble first attempt to mow my somewhat holey, rocky, mole-infested yard, he worked, while all the while keeping a careful eye on me. He weed-eated (weed-ate? who the heck knows). He picked up sticks. He trimmed my trees. He spent half the afternoon serving ME, on HIS day.
Yes, later this evening we all got together for a nice meal and some good family fun, but what I'll remember about this day and so many countless others is how well my dad loves people by serving them.
Daddy, thank you for loving me so well.
Mark 10:45
Even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.
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