Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Christmas Came... After All

My family.  Oh, my crazy, amazing, wonderful family.

What did they do?  I'm glad you asked.

Here's a little back story.  I'll keep it simple. To sum up, my life is in a bit of a mess right now.   I'm working one million jobs (to be heard in Dr. Evil's voice, and yes, I am hyperbole-prone), I'm too broke to pay attention, and I am alone.  Throw in the fact that we lost 99% of our Christmas treasures in the flood (when Mansker Creek decided to come in the house, a whole 'nother story) and you might surmise correctly that it wasn't beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here...and no plan to change that.  No time, no money, and what's the point.

And you need to know, that's a pretty big departure from the norm.  We do Christmas pretty large in this house.  Also notice the word "treasures" in describing Christmas stuff.  Every single item had a special meaning.  Trust me.  TREASURES.  Because of the post-flood outpouring of love and help from my church family, there were many precious items carefully salvaged and saved, but I hadn't quite yet had the guts to examine what remained because I didn't want to acknowledge yet what was lost.  Yeah, yeah, I need counseling.  I'm in denial.  Whatev. This has been hard!

Okay, you are up to speed now. 

So.  I left for work on Sunday afternoon, leaving some family members in my home, moving in a large piece of furniture from my brother's house.  Hated to leave but had to go.

Flash forward several hours to when I got off work.  My daughter (who set in motion from Denver this little Christmas scheme) wanted me to call her on the way home.  The pretense was to tell me about her weekend, but when I got home, I saw the real reason.

In my living room, in front of the big window overlooking the back yard, sat the most beautiful tree I have ever seen.  Fully decorated with blazing lights, old treasures saved from the flood, and carefully handpicked new treasures bought for me by my family.  Special meanings all over the place.  AND not just handpicked and bought.  They ALL came over and decorated this tree, with their own two hands. 

Are you kidding me?  Who does that?  I'll tell you who.  My family.  My crazy, amazing, wonderful family.

Ready for the Thanksgiving segue?

I am so thankful for my family!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I. Am. Compelled.

My church, Long Hollow Baptist, is in the middle of a "thing." I hesitate to call it a sermon series, because it's oh so much more than that.  Let's call it...a movement.

I don't know where I'm going with this post, but I'm so excited about being compelled I just want to talk it through a bit.

2 Corinthians 14 says,  "For Christ’s love compels us..."

Well, does it?  Are you so overwhelmed by Christ's love that you are compelled to share it?

The single most important message the world needs to know from us is that Jesus saves.  Jesus.  Saves.  Has your life been so radically changed by the Good News of Jesus Christ that you can't stop talking about all He's done for you?  Have you shared anything with anyone today?  Have you shared that news with anyone, EVER?


Our Next Generation Pastor, Jeff Lovingood often says that we have forgotten just how "lost" lost is.  He's right.  I know I do it all the time.  I've forgotten that I've been not only snatched from the pit of hell, I've also been rescued from a life of sin and death.  My life right here on planet earth has been utterly transformed by the Gospel.  AND I'm going to spend eternity with God in Heaven.  Oh my gosh.  Why am I not telling everyone in sight?  Have I gotten over all that God has done for me?  Don't I care about others who need to know too?

My Senior Pastor, David Landrith, frequently puts it this way.  People matter to God, and they ought to matter to us.

Do people matter to you?  What are you doing about it?

So.  If you are a Long Hollow-ite, and you've been hearing this series these last few weeks, I know you are not unmoved.  God's stirring something in your heart, isn't He. Please tell me you aren't one of those people who are looking sideways at your neighbor in church making sure they are "getting this."  This message is for YOU!

What is God compelling you to do?


You can read more about living compelled here, and I hope you'll also consider watching or listening to one of my pastor's messages from this series.  As far as I'm concerned, he's the most gifted communicator of God's Word I've ever heard.  You'll like him.  And in the immortal words of Forrest Gump, that's all I have to say about that.