Sunday, January 8, 2012

No Regrets, Part Deux

I mean really, do you have time to maintain all these regrets?  Aren't we living in a lost and dying world surrounded by people who need to know about Jesus?

Stop wasting time.  Go love.  Go tell the world about Jesus.

No Regrets

If I had to name one single word that defines how I have looked at my life, historically speaking as well as from one minute to the next, it would be regret.  Seriously.  Regret.  At times I have allowed regret to consume me, to paralyze me, to shame me, and ultimately, to neutralize me to be used to the fullest in God's kingdom.

I've regretted everything from parenting mistakes to buying the wrong shirt at Kohls.  Every. Single. Day. I have regretted SOMETHING.

Today, my pastor, David Landrith, shared a statistic with us that made me realize that I am not alone.  First he said that the number one felt and expressed emotion is love.  Well, that's good.  Love is certainly the most fundamental for Christ-followers.  God's been working with me on that one too.  But the number two?  Regret.  You guys have regrets too?  Seriously?  All this time I thought I was alone!

A regret-filled life is a life that is focused the wrong direction - the past.  Plus, it's ridiculously self-absorbed.  I'm not saying there are no lessons to be learned from past mistakes.  Heck no.  But if I am so consumed by past regrets that I'm missing where God is leading me TODAY, regret is standing between me and moving forward with God's plan for my life.  Frankly, it's sin.  And I'm sick to death of it.  Despite my desire to be different, I really haven't taken many steps to put it in my rearview mirror.

I have made a decision.  I am resolving to be different.  I am going to stop living a regret-filled life.

Goodness knows I can't be different on my own.  I've tried doing everything on my own, which is a theme for a whole 'nother day.

God does the work in us; He provides the power for us to walk it out.  He provides the grace to let our past go.  It's a total work of the God yes, but remember we choose to position ourselves for change.  We choose to surrenderWe say yes to God I'm saying yes Lord, yes Lord, yes yes Lord...yep, the music in my head is shouting that song!

Well, I know I'm walking with baby steps, but kids, I'm moving forward.  You coming?

I don't have time to maintain these regrets...when I think about the way...He loves us...Oh how He loves us so.
John Mark McMillan
"How He Loves"