Friday, September 24, 2010

Are You Flying IFR or VFR?

Unless you are a pilot or a jack-of-all-trades freak like me, the terms IFR and VFR likely mean nothing to you.  Or you may have heard them tossed around by the media when JFK Jr. crashed his plane into the ocean.  He was only certified for VFR flying and may have found himself in IFR conditions.

I don't have a comprehensive understanding of these terms.  There's whole books written about them, and that's way more than I care about.  I just know the basics from hanging out with pilots and mechanics.  VFR is visual flight rules, where you fly essentially trusting only what you can see looking out your cockpit windows.  IFR stands for instrument flight rules, which means you have been certified to fly relying completely on your instruments.

These terms have a strong application in your walk with God.  For many years, despite what I said with my mouth, I think in reality I was flying VFR.  If I couldn't see it, I didn't necessarily believe it.

The mark of a mature Christian walk is trusting God completely, having the faith to believe He is who He says He is and that He can do what He says He can do, despite the evidence of what we see and feel.

Have you spent enough time with the Lord that you are able to fly IFR?  Are you walking by faith or are you walking by sight?  When nothing around you makes sense, when you can't see the evidence of what God is doing, do you trust Him anyway?

2 Corinthians 5:7
We live by faith, not by sight.

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