Sunday, September 19, 2010

Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the Ends of the Earth

The Long Hollow Brazil team returned home last night, safe and sound.  All were exhausted but fired up about what God did in and through us in the state of Piaui, the hottest region of Brazil, two hours outside of the city of Teresina.  Our team joined God in the work He was doing in the outskirts of Agua Branca, which ironically means "white water," but as one of the driest areas of Brazil, there was certainly no water, and the only white was the white-hot heat.  In a week's time, together with an amazing group of Brazilians, we built and launched a church.  Before we left, we lifted our voices together and worshiped the God who made it all possible.  It was crazy good stuff.

Our team met many precious people, each one of us connecting in different ways with other Christ-followers, working together to push back the darkness.  Each one of us was used and blessed in different ways; each one will never be the same again.  I've no doubt that each team member is doing just as I am today, reflecting back on the crazy wonderful week we just experienced, rejoicing in what we saw and heard, thankful that the Creator of the universe would even be mindful of us, much less use us.

As I sit here in my living room, thinking about all God did this week, my eye is drawn to the scripture painted on the wall directly in front of me.  It's Acts 1:8.  I'll bet it's familiar to you.  But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

I have a confession.  It's about a bezillion times easier for me to go thousands of miles to share the Good News of Jesus Christ than it is for me to cross my own street.  When our street was under water this spring and I got to know my neighbors a bit better, I vowed to be different.  Well kids, I haven't been different.  I'm still letting the busy-ness of my life crowd out the prompts of the Holy Spirit to reach out to folks right here in the burbs of Nashville.  I rarely cross my street, walk to the next cubicle, or turn around in the WalMart line, to share the love of Christ. 

I will never stop going to the ends of the earth.  I love GO-ing far and wide, and as Christ-followers, I believe that's what we are called to do, if we are able.  I am able, and I want to travel to many faraway places, showing and sharing the love of Christ.  Thank You Lord, for providing the resources for me to GO to Brazil.

But.  But.  God calls us to both NEAR and FAR.  And all points in between.  I don't want to miss out on a single call God has on my life.  While I'll keep GO-ing to every faraway place I can go, at the same time, it's time I started looking more often to join God in what He is doing right here in my Jerusalem.

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