Friday, September 10, 2010

How's Your Fruit?


That's an all-star list, huh.

On my best day, I don't have enough patience.  Unless the patience of a two-year old is acceptable.  Gentleness?  Well, sometimes.  For about thirty seconds.  Self-control?  Flies right out the window the minute stress hits.  Love?  Are you kidding me?  I can think of a dozen people in my life I can barely tolerate on my own, much less love.  Peace?  Without God, you can rock my world in New York minute.  Joy?  Ha.  I start focusing on my circumstances and go straight in the tank.  I know you know this.  You can't gut this list out either. But if you know what I know, you can.

God shows us the way, right there in His Word.  And I'm not talking about gutting it out.  I'm talking about wow, I CAN choose to love that person and mean it.  My mouth didn't fly open and chew that person up and spit them out...gentleness just flowed. I didn't dog-cuss that guy who just cut me off on I-65.  I really DO have peace that defies good sense in this perfectly horrendous storm. 

Don't miss the intro to this stellar list.  The key.  "But the fruit of the Spirit is..."
God KNOWS we can't do it alone.  Through the work of the Holy Spirit, He produces these outstanding, admirable, supercalifragilisticexpealidocious qualities right slap in us.  Isn't that great news?  Our part?  Positioning ourselves for producing that fruit.  Knowing Him, spending time in His word, spending time in conversation with Him, spending time with His people.

You know what I'm talking about.  You gotta hang with God.  Stop talking about how you know you need to do it and do it.  You know who you are.

Stop letting your schedule crowd Him out.  Put God in first.  Here's one my people are not going to like:  You really really do need time with Him first thing in the morning.  Don't say "I'm not a morning person."  So what!?  Do it anyway! Pretty small sacrifice, considering what He has done for you.  Ouch.  Did that convict you as sharply as it did me the first time someone said it to me?  And I feel your pain.  You are one of my people.  I'm totally NOT a morning person.  Then stay in touch with Him through the day, and in the evening.  Conversation all day long.  All. Day. Long.

If you see anything in me that's good, trust me.  It ain't me.  Let me point you to the God who saved me and keeps saving me every single day.  He's longing to spend time with you.  How cool is that.

Go go go.  Then get ready to produce some fruit. 

Galatians 5:22-23  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control.


  1. Yes yes yes. This is exactly what I needed to hear, scratch that, read right now. Almost all of the things on that list are things that I need to work on in myself. But I don't work on them. Because it's haaaaaard. And I'm laaaaaazy. And also complaaaaaacent. But if there's ever been anything to not be lazy and complacent about it, it's becoming more like Jesus. This was a beautifully written shove that I desperately needed. Thank you. And I love you.

    All the love in the universe,

  2. Thank you for the affirmation, sistah! Speaking of lazy and to guess how long do you think God has been putting it on my heart to blog? Ha!

    Love you love you love you too, my dear sweet Emily. Thankful God put you in my family, and in His family too.
